7MM REM MAG Remington Certified Once-Fired Brass 100+

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Weight 3.16 lbs
SKU 7MM REM MAG R-P Once-Fired 100+
(from 1 to 12)


7MM REM MAG R-P  *Polished* Certified Once-Fired Brass - 100 count

All Remington-Peters Headstamp

Manufacturer Test Brass

**DISCLAIMER:  Some of the Remington-Peters Rifle brass has a circular mark just beneath the case neck which is an impression left by the piston hole ring attachment that pressure checks the brass.  We had samples sent in and tested to ensure that it DOES NOT compromise the integrity of the brass.  To our understanding, it is purely a cosmetic issue and not one that affects the quality of the brass.   It is not on all of the casings, only some of them.  However, if you experience any issues with them please feel free to contact us and we will make it right.**
