I would like to take the time to say just how fantastic much Diamond K Brass is to the reloading community. I began reloading in 2005 and began my search for a company to which I could build a relationship with for all my reloading needs and fortunately I found Diamond K Brass on the web and have not purchased any components for any other company since. First and foremost they have figured out what a successful business model begins with, "Outstanding Customer Service"!! I have been of the belief that I am willing to pay more for a product and/or service as long as it comes with outstanding customer service and with Diamond K Brass you get the luxury of not only outstanding customer service but the best prices I have been able to find. When I began reloading I had some questions so I called them and one of their managers spoke with me to answer all my questions and 1.5 hours later he was still willing to thoroughly discuss and answer my plethora of questions. I have never forgot that. Everyone in my sphere of life that reloads I recommend they check out Diamond K Brass and they too, not to my surprise, are equally impressed & happy with the company. Therefore, I would recommend to anyone who reads this to check them out and give them a try and you too will never purchase reloading components from anyone else. If I could say one thing to Diamond K Brass, please never change your business model as it serves you well and thereby, all the customers you serve.
Tim Scott Mar 20, 2019
Just placed an order of hard to find once fired 7.62 x 39 brass. Price was very reasonable and hope to see in my delivery box soon.
Fermin Piol Feb 29, 2020
I recently ordered 5,000 9mm and 5,000 .40 S&W cases to load in a new progressive press. I've sorted all the 9mm brass and found 3 Berdan primed cases, 2 9mm Makorov cases and one case with a neck that I deemed too damaged to load. The remainder of the cases were fine. In my opinion, 6 cases out of 5,000 that were not usable is fantastic. I've sorted about half of the .40 cases and have found 1 9mm case stuck in a .40 case and 1 357 sig case. The rest have been perfect. I have found my exclusive brass supplier!!!
Rodney Baker Mar 3, 2014
first time customer but not the last.great brass great price and fast shipping.can't ask for more.
gary d. Aug 5, 2016
I've been buying my new and used brass from Diamond K for some time now.Everything from 38 spl. to 338 Lapua. The best prices I've found, and without a doubt, the very fastest shipping! Top quality once fired brass. Why go anywhere else?
del felt jr. Mar 25, 2018
Made my first order of LC 308 processed brass and was not disappointed. Trim length is spot on, clean nice brass.
Quick shipping and all is good. Look forward to doing business again in the future.
Kyle Owens Dec 8, 2016
I was trying a new place for brass. Happily Surprised! Extremely fast service,great quality. I will return. 11/4/17
Arthur Olezeski Nov 4, 2017
I have loaded 9mm,38S 357 mag.&45acp that I bought from you guys.Your ads. are right on.out of 1500 rounds I had no problems and will continue to buy.You prices are either lower or the same as the other suppliers I have checked out.Your shipping is faster than expected.Great job!Thank you, Earl
Earl Nov 28, 2014
Nice, clean brass. You are are great alternate supply when the locals run dry. Fast delivery, too.
Lynn Dec 28, 2014
Very first order through this company and i have to say i was blown away by just how competitave the prices are but also the quality of service received and the lengths that the staff will go through to ensure satisfied customers. I have to say they now that a dedicated customer for now on whenever i need brass