With all the crazyness in the country this past year when I stumbled across your site, i thought that this couldn't be real.. I ordered 500 pieces of .380 ACP brass and held my breath. 6 days after I ordered (on a weekend no less) I received my order. I have now bought a second order of 9mm and feel confident that this new shipment will be just as good. Thanks
Robert Walker Mar 18, 2021
On 4-28-2020 my son,Jeremy , ordered us 300 once fired 44 mag brass. I do not remember the exact date in arrived, but it was only 4/5 days. We had 1 44 special and 5 44 mag with small primers the rest were extremely clean and had no "junk". Very, very pleased and if needed will be a repeat customer. 5gg23
Billy wayne Goodwin May 4, 2020
Purchased 500+ 45 Auto L primer, 2 with dented wall but useable, will probably flatten when fired. More than enough extra cases too cover. Received free "weekend polish". Cases look almost new. Also, purchased 500+ 223/5.56 all useable. Great quality and super fast shipping. Will come here first for next order.
Ronald Silcox Mar 27, 2014
I called Diamond K and left a message about their 10mm auto brass , I also left a text message inquiring about manufacter test brass . I was surprised how quickly both questions were answered . Tammy was the one who handled both questions ,she actually cared about want my concerns were and took the time to get an asnwer for me . the best compliment a company came get is to be told there customer service is great ,so here it is Diamond K Brass your customer service is outstanding Thanks John
Revolver John Apr 28, 2021
I am impressed!! Excellent prices...rapid shipping....brass was shiny and clean...no aluminum cases and I found no split cases...again...every order I buy through Diamond K Brass has been top rate...I am impressed!!
I am just an end user and I'm pleased that Diamond K will service shooters like myself that does not use up/lose a lot of brass but since I'm frugal....the end price through Diamond K is outstanding!! I do shoot a lot....upwards of 1,000 rounds per week and I'm bound to lose/use up brass and with that in mind...new brass/new ammo would curtail much of my shooting due to cost.
I do cast my own pistol bullets....too bad that pistol powder is still scarce!! I could use a few pounds as I post.
Curt Bibbmail.com Jan 5, 2015
Nice, clean brass. You are are great alternate supply when the locals run dry. Fast delivery, too.
Lynn Dec 28, 2014
These people at Diamond K Brass do their very best to give us great service. I thank y'all for the great service, always get my stuff within 2 days never any errors or anything. Professionals in my book.
Norm Perez
45ACP/44 Mag Handgunner
Norm Perez May 13, 2016
Have been searching the net for the best prices on processed 223/5.56 brass and found the best prices here at DiamondKBrass. Somewhat hesitant as have never ordered here before but went ahead and tried it. Man oh man, brass arrived shinier than spit, all trimmed and deprimed. Primer pockets need to be swaged or reamed but the website already warned about that so wasn't unexpected. Great brass and prices! Can't be beat. Will be shootin' my next order over soon!
Dude3 Jul 17, 2015
Received my 5th order of .38 special nickel plated brass 500 lot.Will be back soon.Shipping is fast.The best site for brass period...
Paul D. May 17, 2014
Wow, got it quick, really didn't expect it to have the primers removed, looks great and clean, now just have to start loading. Thanks