Received my 500 223 LC Brass today. Found 4 rejects and about 1.3 had dimples from too much lube when resized. Doesn't hurt anything. Will be fine after first firing. Have someone check the lube and this brass will be great. I was surprised I didn't have to ream the primer pockets.
Charles Holmes Mar 9, 2015
First order for 500 45 ACP Brass and to my supprise about 90% were my favorite to reload, Federal Brass. Brass was clean, polished and like new. Price was a little higher than what I pay at but the quality was well worth the difference. You just got another repeat customer.
Jerry Parris Oct 10, 2014
Have made several purchases with Diamond K, am very pleased and will refer my friends. Thanks!
David Lunsford Apr 12, 2021
Right on the button. 500 45 acp brass, all good, 30 of 500+ were small primer as stated, no complaints, I'd do it again, personal, friendly, professional service, thank you. RB.
Rick Barton Feb 25, 2014
Have been searching the net for the best prices on processed 223/5.56 brass and found the best prices here at DiamondKBrass. Somewhat hesitant as have never ordered here before but went ahead and tried it. Man oh man, brass arrived shinier than spit, all trimmed and deprimed. Primer pockets need to be swaged or reamed but the website already warned about that so wasn't unexpected. Great brass and prices! Can't be beat. Will be shootin' my next order over soon!
Dude3 Jul 17, 2015
I just received my box of 1000 LC 5.56 unprocessed once fired brass. I thought you guys messed up and sent me brand new factory cases. Ive never seen once fired brass this nice. I had to check the base a see that there were fired primers still there. All I can say is "OUTSTANDING JOB"!!! You will definately getting more of my buisness, and ill do my best to steer some more your way...........Jim
Jim Mar 9, 2020
I ordered 500 380 auto and 223 with bullets. Only had one case that was unusable due to damage and a few other calibers that I don't load that were in the mix, I gave them to friend that does load them, fast shipping
I will be buying again soon
Doug Tevik Mar 18, 2018
I ordered 100 ea. .30 carbine and .243 Winchester. It arrived in three days. This brass is beautiful. No dents, no junk and polished to perfection. Even a few extras. You guys really get it. When one spends as much time as I do in precision reloading, it's very refreshing to discover a firm that simply cares. Thank you Diamond K, I'll be back down the range. A very satisfied customer.
Jeff Herdle Dec 28, 2015
I previously I written a testimonial that my order of brass had a number of casings that wouldn't accept a new primer. After talking with DKB customer service rep, she resolved my problem by just replacing those pieces of brass that I could not reload. Now I will be finishing that balance of reloads toady.
Thank you DKB for backing your products. I look forward in doing business again.
RICK MAJESKI Jul 2, 2021
Received 500+ 45 Auto R.P. Pistol brass.Very pleased with product & shipping.This is my 7th order with this company.